About Care TO Train

Our Mission

With our company we do not train you to care, but we find those who have a caring heart, that we train YOU how to do the work. Which leads you to become a professional CAREGIVER that now you GIVE the proper care.

Why Choose Us

Qualified Team

Latest Technology

Serve With Hearts

Company Overview

Not only does our mission statement speak loud and clear, but it speaks from the ROOT of healthcare, by whom it was introduced from a woman named Florence Nightingale, who began this journey because she already had a heart to care. Her care caused healthcare to come into existence as it is known today, which is the root that our business is making known to you. So, if you are in any position in the healthcare field, our number one priority is the root, being a CAREGIVER, having the care first, that you give the care, because you care.

The purpose of our company is to bring back the morals, values, and the heart of healthcare by providing the proper training to all who are a part of the healthcare industry. Whether if you are a healthcare business owner, CNA, LVN, RN, PT, Social Worker, DSD, DON, ED, doctor or etc., we are here to teach you the skills to provide the proper care to ALL patients, residents, clients and those who are sick and are in need of our help. This will cause you to enjoy what you do sincerely, because you care to give what you love to do. We are not trying to say that you do not have the knowledge of the field. We only want to give you the training on how to do patient care properly. Because this whole industry can only be, if we have the PATIENTS to give the care to. Patients are the main priority of this field. You start with patient care and end with patient care, because when a person dies, patient care is still considered. So, when you have the total training and how to deal with each patient, you no longer try to care, but you GIVE THE CARE. We are not only providing care training to those who have a degree in the healthcare field, but also to those who do not, so that your business will soar. Under our company, we will also train those you hire, by providing continuing courses that will keep their mind refreshed that it will be a work they enjoy coming to. The teaching we provide you as the CEO or leader, will also teach you how to understand the work in which they do as a caregiver, so that all can come to a place of working together. We are here to make your work easy, concerning hiring, keeping those you hire, and maintaining those you hire.

Company History

The reason behind how the company got started is basically how I got started in the healthcare field. Since then, being in this field for almost 9+ years, I have seen how it has become depleted; losing its morals, values, and ethics. That it caused me to finally see what was missing, the root, which is the heart to care.

Because you cannot train a person to care, but you can only hire those who already have the heart to care, that now you can train them to do the work properly. The root of the healthcare field is caregiving, giving the care that is already in you.

Management Team

owner of care for train

Tramaine Smith


rana saeed 7

Rana Zaman Saeed

IT Analyst/Web Developer

Co-owner of care for train

Gwendolyn Montgomery


Tramaine Smith

I was born and raised in Gary, Indiana, where I worked as a licensed cosmetologist for thirteen plus years. In December 2011, I left the life that I always knew, and moved to Los Angeles, CA, with no money, no place to live, and no work. This is how my journey began as a caregiver. It was when I had no place to stay that I became a live-in caregiver to a male quadriplegic that I then realized that this was the work I was actually meant to do. It was when I got on my feet, that I then got a work as a caregiver to a female quadriplegic. At this point, I decided to further my skills working at a facility with Alzheimer’s and dementia residents. Because I believed the mental state was the next thing I needed to be strong in to have the patience for all patients. This is when my life was changed as a licensed cosmetologist to now go further into the healthcare field by gaining a career in it.
I became a CNA to pursue a career as an LVN, which is how my business came into fruition. Not only providing the proper care to patients with dementia, but also trained other caregivers to do the same. It was during this time that I understood the value of a caregiver and that every person working in the healthcare field, no matter what their title was, needed to go back to the root of simply just doing the work that matters the most, which is being a caregiver. It is what caused me to start at the bottom to understand the bottom is the root, giving the proper care as a caregiver first. Because when you truly have the heart to care, you can only provide the proper care to one who is sick and in need. This is what led me to the business I present to you, today and on, Care To Train. My passion has been proven that this is where I am to be, and now I am here to help you do the same. That I may find those who already have the heart to care and those willing to learn, so that I may teach them the skills to do the work properly and give the same care to all in need.

Gwendolyn Montgomery

I am a California native by nature, having lived in Los Angeles most of my life. My career in the healthcare field has not always been. I started with a business degree in management and worked as a manager for many years, which ended in 2017. At this point, I moved to Irvine, CA and that is when I began my career as a caregiver in the health field. I never pictured myself working in this field, but I knew I always had a true heart to care for something, I just could not pinpoint it, until I became a caregiver. I did not know how much care was in me to give, until I learned the skills to do the work, that I could properly care and ENJOY it. This is what led me to continue in the field, by becoming a CNA and pursuing an LVN license. That now I can teach what I have learned to others by showing them what is already in them, by putting the care in the proper place.

Rana Zaman Saeed

My starting as an IT Analyst/Web developer has been a great path and journey that I have found to be a great passion. Even though there are many things to me I have realized that this is one of the many I have developed a skill in that I enjoy doing. Not only is it a passion that I see the excitement of my customers but it is the excitement in me that is the proof this is the work I desire to do. Yes, I have obtained others skills in other areas, such as being a voice to many but I also see that I can now continue to do that as being apart of the Management Team for Care To Train. My goal in dealing with any customer is to hear and see what they envisioned, that I can now cause it to be their reality, by designing and developing what they envisioned. It brings great pleasure to me to do what I do because the care and passion is deep down inside to be the best Web Developer to Care to Train and unto you. Even though I have been on this journey for awhile I still continue to strive and give even better services. I don't stop because I have become the best but I continue to be the best. This is what causes me to become better in what I do. So let me help to service you in designing and developing the best website you could ever imagine. I am here to make your vision your reality. So contact me as your need progresses that I can now help bring your own care to your envisioned website. You may contact me at my IT Development Company- Biznalyst Pro. Website- www.bizalystpro.us

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(657) 333-5772

Email: caretotrain3@caretotrain.com